1501 42nd Street, Suite 100
West Des Moines, IA 50266
Business Hours: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm | Monday-Friday
Please email before stopping by the office as our staff frequently works remotely.
Phone: 515-276-4724
Fax: 515-276-8038

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Iowa-Illinois Safety Council has a policy against endorsing specific products or services. Iowa-Illinois Safety Council does recommend a variety of safety, health, and environmental measures and practices, however, the organization does not conduct testing or certification of any products, services, or merchandise. Any use of the Iowa-Illinois Safety Council's name for promotional purposes must be approved in writing prior to use by contacting the Executive Director at iiscadmin@iisc.org or by calling 800-568-2495 or by writing to 1501 42nd St - Suite 100 - West Des Moines, IA 50266.
The information and recommendations contained on this website have been compiled from sources considered to be accurate and reliable. The editor has exercised considerable care to assure its accuracy. However, the Iowa-Illinois Safety Council does not guarantee that contents are correct, and that statements attributed to other sources do not necessarily reflect the opinion or position of the Council.